
朝日・植村隆の次は毎日新聞 売国記者 福島良典 【拡散自由】

朝日・植村隆の次は毎日新聞 売国記者 福島良典 【拡散自由】           頑張れ日本! スレ主様、情報ありがとうございます 毎日新聞の在日記者、福島良典について、以下のブログを見つけましたので、貼らせていただきます。 *************************************************** http://blog.goo.ne.jp/inoribito_001/e/fe20d23a95839b70bf4... 朝日・植村隆の次は毎日新聞 売国記者 福島良典 【拡散自由】 2014-08-22 | 日記 朝日新聞が捏造を32年後に認め、これからやっと世界に 正しい情報を配信しようという時に!! わざわざローマ法王から慰安婦発言を引き出し、世界に配信したクソ男。 慰安婦の実体が、単なる高給売春婦だということを知らぬはずもないのに。 口をつぐんでいたローマ法王から、わざわざ帰りの便で慰安婦発言引き出すとは、どれだけ日本が嫌いなん? 福島良典 ▼二人の会話の要旨 毎日新聞記者 「今朝ミサで7人の慰安婦と挨拶してどのようなことをお感じになりましたか?」 法王 「侵略下、少女だった彼女たちは兵舎に連れてこられ、利用された。しかし、彼女たちは人間としての威厳を失っていなかった」 ************************************************** ↑ 上記の法王の発言については、さすが、在日朝鮮人の福島良典(こいつの本名を知りたいですね!)、都合のいい部分のみをとりあげていると感じます。下記のコメントにもあるように、法王は、戦争の産物だといっています。 ******************************************************* 劇おこぷんぷん丸 (らむ子) 2014-08-22 06:49:00 BB様、この特別機での質疑応答の件を取り上げていただき、ありがとうございます。 昨日、書き起こしサイトを見つけて読んで、なーにー!法王さまの応答全然違うじゃん。 http://americamagazine.org/content/all-things/full-text-p... Q. You have met the people who suffered. What did you feel when you greeted the comfort women at Mass this morning? And as regards the suffering of people in Korea there were also Christians hidden in Japan, and next year will the 150th anniversary of their "era of Nero" [in which Christians were persecuted]. Would it be possible to pray for them together with you at Nagasaki? A. It would be most beautiful. I have been invited both by the government and by the bishops. I have been invited. As for the suffering, you return to one of the first questions. The Korean people are a people who did not lose their dignity. It was a people that was invaded, humiliated. It suffered wars and now it is divided. Yesterday, when I went to the meeting with young people [at Haemi], I visited the museum of the martyrs there. It was terrible the sufferings of these people, just for not standing on a cross. It’s a historical suffering. This people has the capacity to suffer, and it is part of their dignity. Also today, when those elderly women were in front of me at Mass, I thought that in that invasion there were young girls taken away to the barracks for to use them but they did not lose their dignity then. They were there today showing their faces, elderly, the last ones remaining. It’s a people strong in its dignity. But returning to the question about the martyrs, the suffering and also these women, these are the fruits of war! Today we are in a world at war, everywhere. Someone said to me, "Father do you know that we are in the Third World War, but bit by bit." He understood! It’s a world at war in which these cruelties are done. I’d like to focus on two words. First, cruelty. Today children do not count. Once they spoke about a conventional war, today that does not count. I’m not saying that conventional wars were good things, but today a bomb is sent and it kills the innocent, the guilty, children, women they kill everybody. No! We must stop and think a little about the level of cruelty at which we have arrived. This should frighten us, and this is not to create fear. An empirical study could be done on the level of cruelty of humanity at this moment should frighten us a little. The other word on which I would like to say something is torture. Today torture is one of the means, I would say, almost ordinary in the behavior of the forces of intelligence, in judicial processes and so on. Torture is a sin against humanity, is a crime against humanity. And I tell Catholics that to torture a person is a mortal sin, it’s a grave sin. But it’s more, it’s a sin against humanity. Cruelty and torture! I would like very much if you, in your media, make a reflection: How do you see these things today? How do you see the cruelty of humanity, and what do you think of torture. I think it would do us all good to reflect on this. (7番目のQ.です) こりゃコメント欄に書かなくっちゃ!と、呆れるはムカつくは…しておりました。 法王は、 従軍慰安婦とも、 性奴隷とも言わず。 日本軍云々も全く言わず。 こういうことは戦争によって起きる。 (一般化。実際にそうだもん。) 韓国の人々は苦難に遭遇しても尊厳を失わなかった人たちだ。 と、仰っている。 まぁ、よくもよくも余計なことしてくれたものよ! 海外メディアは、日本の報道をなぞっているものもあって、 「日本軍」「性奴隷」の文字踊りまくり。

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